People and Technology Confirms Its Vision for Healthcare Innovation at Health & Innovation Asia 2024

People and Technology was honored to participate in the Health & Innovation Asia 2024 event in Bangkok, a premier gathering that brought together global thought leaders, cutting-edge innovators, and healthcare experts in the South-East Asia region. This year’s event put the spotlight on the most exciting developments in digital health, artificial intelligence (AI), lab innovation and machinery, and preventive care technologies, with themes that resonate deeply with our vision of leveraging real-time IoT solutions to improve hospital operations and patient care.

Our representative promoting IndoorPlus+ SmartCare at the show

Our team attended key presentations and explored innovative solutions relevant to hospital operations and patient care. The growing focus on digital health and AI-driven insights matched our belief in the power of data and real-time tracking to transform healthcare. While engaging with healthcare professionals across the region, we noted a growing emphasis on patient-centered care and the demand for real-time data-driven solutions. Lithuanian radiologist Antanas Montvila emphasized the importance of accurate data collection, remarking that issues such as nurse shortages and medical deserts are not confined to Korea; they resonate throughout Eastern Europe and beyond. He highlighted the difficulty of hiring medical staff and the lack of accessibility to hospitals in rural areas, which is also a pressing concern in Thailand.

Despite the positive attitude of healthcare professionals towards innovative technologies, the expert pointed out a significant barrier: most healthcare development budgets are managed by governments. This central control often hampers the pace of innovation due to insufficient investment, even when the necessity for system upgrades is clear. As healthcare specialists and solution providers, we must effectively demonstrate the critical need for these advancements.

Montvila noted : “On average, only 5% of healthcare budgets worldwide are allocated to prevention, despite the fact that 70% of health benefits stem from preventive measures.” Numbers speak for itself : In the U.S., 10% of the population accounts for 60% of health expenditures, which highlights the need for focused investment for this portion of population, while keeping a good level of service for the remaining 90%. In Canada, a mere 1% of the population utilizes 33% of healthcare resources.

Radiologist Antanas Monvila presenting key industry numbers on stage

In parallel, a discussion with the Big Data Institute (Thai institution) highlighted the importance of data sharing between hospitals, a need that remains largely unaddressed, particularly in developing countries. Such insights strongly support People and Technology’s commitment to enhancing healthcare operations through our IndoorPlus+ solution, which prioritizes real-time patient monitoring and data-driven insights.

The increasing emphasis on preventive care technologies and wearables stood out as key trends at the event. We explored advanced solutions in wearable technology, designed to collect vital patient data in real time. Such innovations are increasingly crucial as hospitals worldwide strive to offer more personalized and preventive care, shifting from reactive to proactive approaches. This movement towards predictive healthcare supports our recent collaboration with Mezoo, where our Hi-cardi patient patches enable continuous monitoring of vital signs, helping doctors catch potential health issues early.

At the heart of Health & Innovation Asia was the focus on digital health solutions, particularly in how AI-driven tools can aid in hospital management and decision-making processes. As People and Technology continues to expand globally, particularly with our recent expansion efforts in the Middle East and beyond, events like these offer a wealth of knowledge and collaboration opportunities that will guide the evolution of our solutions.

The exchanges we had with system integrators, healthcare IT purchasers, and fellow innovators were invaluable. The event reinforced the importance of integrating cutting-edge technology with hospital operations to ensure better patient outcomes and more efficient use of medical resources. People and Technology is committed to being at the forefront of this transformation, continuously refining our offerings to meet the growing needs of the healthcare sector.

We are excited to bring the insights and inspiration gained at Health & Innovation Asia 2024 back to our development team, further pushing the boundaries of what our solutions can achieve in hospitals worldwide. Our aim is to empower healthcare providers with the tools they need to improve efficiency, enhance patient care, and ultimately save lives.

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